- الصفحة الرئيسية
- الحضانة ورياض الأطفال KG1 + KG2
- الصف الأول الابتدائى
- الصف الثانى الابتدائى
- الصف الثالث الابتدائى
- الصف الرابع الابتدائى
- الصف الخامس الابتدائى
- الصف السادس الابتدائى
- الصف الأول الإعدادى
- الصف الثانى الإعدادى
- الصف الثالث الإعدادى
- الصف الأول الثانوى
- الصف الثانى الثانوى
- مناهج الصف الثالث الثانوى
- امتحانات الثانوية العامة
- نتيجة الثانوية العامة 2020 الدور الأول | نتيجة 3 ثانوي
الأربعاء، فبراير 22، 2012
الاشتراك في:
تعليقات الرسالة (Atom)
المشاركات الشائعة
دين الصف الخامس الابتدائى ترم اول
Situations With model Answers 1-You want to know about a friend,s energy-saving habits. What do you ask? What do you do to save ene...
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تهنئة لوزير التعليم : نجح الطالب ورسب التعليم وبعد إعترافه أن النجاح بالغش الجماعي فقد رسب الاجتهاد وكل يوم يأتى بالجديد أولا :...
تحضير مادة الرياضيات باللغة العربية لجميع المراحل التعليمية بالأهداف للعام الدراسى 2017 - 2018 ...
شكراً جزيلاً
ردحذفمراجعه على قصه THE FACE ON THE WALL
1- To what extent was the stranger a good narrator ?
2- What was unusual about the face on the wall ?
3- When the stranger read the millionaire's name , he fainted. Why ?
4- Dabney and his fellows were talking about………………………………………
5- What was strange about one of the patches on the wall ?
6- How far was the stranger affected by the face on the wall during his illness ?
7- What kind of a story do you think this is : a ghost story ; a historical story ; a mystery ?
8- The storyteller thought he would meet the man by going to …………..
9- The storyteller set to work to discover all he could about Mr. Ormond Wall by ……………..
10-The first extraordinary thing about the storyteller's story was that……………………………
11-What did the storyteller say about truth ?
12-Why did the storyteller feel sure that the face on his wall was the face of a real person ?
13-Why did the police begin to suspect the storyteller ?
14-Why do you think the stranger was sad when the face grow faint ?
15-After the storyteller reads about Mr Ormond Wall's serious condition following the accident , why do you think he describes going back to his room as if "in a dream" ?
16-When the storyteller asks Mr Ormond Wall for his card, Mr Wall doesn't ask him why he wants it. What does the storyteller say about this ?
17-How does the storyteller surprise us at the end of the story ?
18-" It will be difficult for science to explain that"
A) Who said this to whom? B) What does the word "that" refer to ?
C) What's your opinion of the speaker ?